What a Team!!!

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My talented daughter-in-law Kalee found an interesting rock in her travels at Beadazzled in Creston BC and hoped to make it into a necklace. Between the two of us, we managed to come up with a creative brass wire wrap which she then added an antiquing patina to. She chose a black rubber cord and brass clasp to finish the piece, and the end result was rather spectacular.
We spent the afternoon collecting rocks at Destiny Bay on Kootenay Lake, which I am sure will result in a few more similar project in the coming months. Too bad the rock tumbler/polisher takes 5-6 weeks to run a load through! I am sure it has something to do with me learning the lesson of “patience”….
Brass, rocks and rubber, what a combination:)
My daughter Dani, an amazing photographer, has also been here on holidays and kindly took the shots you see here–she’s also been the lady behind most of my blog shots.
I am surrounded by talent, and feel very blessed they graciously share it with me and my efforts on this site. Thank you all!

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