Nuts about Knots….

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No idea where I’ll use these new treasures, but sure had a blast making them today! My nails are definitely destroyed, and my hands need a hot bubble bath -but was worth it:). Am taking full advantage of my new studio for a couple more weeks-I can bash and bang without disturbing anyone. I had a few visitors drop by, including a neighborhood cat-we both moved out when the 30+degree heat took over.  Budget didn’t include A/C….

Not a good week between me and UPS. Dan’s new cell phone was sent to Victoria instead of Creston-interesting process to have that rerouted!  My silver wire order which usually arrives in 2 days is taking 2 weeks—e-mail issues, and Lord only knows where our drapes are. Am learning to be patient, but slowly….life in a small town certainly has it’s own pace. It’s a bit like Mexico and China…..Breathe Carol, breathe…

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