Crosses N’Crystals

Nostalgia for all things with a history and reflections on a recent loss of a loved one took me here today-the sun was shining like mad between rolling thunder clouds, and the gorgeous rays of sunlight made these vintage crystals just dance across my work space. They’ve been sitting is a drawer for nearly 5 years, a treasured find from one of my most very favorite treasure-seeking places on earth, General Salvage Ltd in Victoria, BC. -real old glass crystals from a chandelier back when those baubles were real glass….and do they ever sparkle and shimmer! Took some problem solving to get them strung-and a few bandages. The old glass splinters are lethal-

The cross design is popular in the jewelry world, but I added a new twist with custom copper rings in a size that made a bit of a statement-these neck pieces are on 35″ chains and can be found locally at Creative Fix in Creston BC, and soon to be featured on my Etsy Store. Thanks for dropping by, stay connected for new products and schedules for workshops being offered!

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