Bezels and Beyond

Snow brought just a bit more winter to our corner of the world this weekend-just a perfect excuse to spend 2 days in the workshop!  These ladies had no idea what a “bezel” was, let alone what to do with one should they stumble across it…. sure didn’t take long for that to change.

They already knew how to cut the back plates but adding copper tube rings with solder and flooding with solder was new to them. Only a few minor casualties, including a dime as an unintended adornment, and they were well on their way to creating their first bezels!

A bit of annealing, some hammering on the anvil, weaving some gorgeous sari silks, and the challenge of putting it all together was well under way.

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While the majority of the bezels were curing after being filled with resin, these finished projects were ready for a photo opportunity–just love the wonderful ways these talented folks can take a basic concept and  create such distinct, uniquely beautiful works of art.

Meantime, back in the house, the rest of the bezels were curing and just chillin’.

That was enough for one weekend-more to come on the completed projects!  Here’s a sneak peak on one of them…courtesy of Ms. Amy-this bezel contains snippets of a very personal family letter, and turned out just spectacular!


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