The elves were in high gear today!

What a day-I am sure every piece of equipment in the shop was going full tilt!  The class left with a nice dent in their Christmas shopping list finished-we played with layers of metal, some etching and a lot of texturing.  Tried out a few new texturing tools and ideas, learned how to shape and make the metal do what they wanted it to, a bit of flame, and lots of laughs.  Some great ideas, and very creative and beautiful pieces were the result. I am always so impressed with these folks-and for some, this was their FIRST class–wow.

Lunch was a big hit-thanks to MIchele Romano’s fabulous Italian Zucchini soup and Fergosa Bread recipies..check out her site, everything on it is amazing..and will be trying out more of her creative dishes at our next session- .


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