Just too many bits of awesomeness to choose from…

This lapidary stuff is becoming an obsession, like I need another one in my life….I just can’t help it.  There are piles and stacks of some of most delicious looking rock slabs I’ve ever seen,  at the Creston Valley Rock and Lapidary Club .  And they let you touch them–and buy them–and cut them —

Here are a couple cabochons I did yesterday, and today, finally made some settings for them.  Not exactly sure what the stones are but I don’t really care-they look amazing with my stash of copper, brass and bronze.

The monthly meeting enjoyed a fabulous presentation by local goldsmith Tony Mulder, where he shared all kinds of tempting tidbits on gem stones (natural and grown)-who knew you can make these things??? Thanks Tony for sharing-your knowledge and talent is impressive.

If you are in the Creston area and think you might like to give this “rock thing” a try, come on down to the club where there’s always someone willing and delighted to help you get started…if you are not local, look up your town’s own lapidary guild and jump in-the water’s fine 🙂