Fellow Artists Play Date…

Of course I had to pick one of the hottest days of the summer to do this, but we survived.  A wonderful (smoking hot) day spent with some amazingly talented friends,  and artists in their own right,  just sharing ideas, lots of laughs,  and enjoying each other’s special gifts.  None of these folks have ever worked with metal etching, let alone turning it into wearable art…their pieces left me “amazed”–♥♥♥ and feeling so grateful to be able to call them my friends..

Thanks to Anne Fetterly , Bart Bjorkman , Janet Holder and sister Linda and  Danica Sullivan ! You guys rock.

3 carat bling…

SO loving this gorgeous white quartz…”Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is powerfully protective because of these properties..”

On top of all this wonderfulness, it’s just plain stunning.  The band is hand formed and hammered 20 gauge sterling silver, that has not been antiqued—yet.  May just leave it as is, or maybe not.  I often wear my pieces for a bit before deciding on the final finishing touches, waiting to see what feels just right. This may never leave  my finger-