Tricks and a Treasure Chest full of Treats

Maybe we’re rushing the Fall  season a bit but these ladies were on a roll. We spent the day refining (bashing, beating and bending) sheet copper to make some amazing pieces to hold many of the semi precious stones and gems I ordered in especially for this workshop. Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Blue Lace Agate, a few blue Sapphires, and some really cool purple Turquoise…

With a few waves of their magic wands, these appeared:

And just like that, ♥♥♥, our day was over…way too soon!  Thank you ladies, what an awesome day! Your creations, energy and wonderful spirit  inspire me-more than you know ♥



A Stone of Vision…

Hate to admit how long this cuff took from start to finish, I measured production time in weeks, not hours. It began with the stone, called Unakite, that I cut here in our Creston Rock Club shop. Unakite Jasper, according to my stone directory is a stone of vision. of the most healing crystals of the heart and I’m going with that! I also added a couple garnets – good for regeneration and vitality..this should be one healthy good luck cuff!

unakite-cuffThe silver cuff template came from a course I took with Leslie Kail Villarreal  earlier this year and if you are a silver smith, it’s worth checking out!

Fall 2016 Classes

 The weather has finally cooled off a bit here in the Creston Valley and  the shop has followed suit…thankfully!  Excited about the first class for Fall 2016-it’s going to be just wicked! Will be playing with copper and creating some awesome pieces-a time to treat  yourself to some “just me” time before the hectic holiday seasons begin….mark Sunday September 25th, 2016 on your calendar!

Did I mention the soldering that will be happening?  And the stones we’ll be using–carnelian, soapstone, black onyx, aventurine, jasper and blue lapis…yum. Only 15 more sleeps….If you are local or plan on being the area, contact me for course details at