Copper Curves

OK-I know most of you have absolutely no clue why I am soooo excited about this…and no, it’s not a moonshine  still component (altho it definitely could be…). Just figured out how to bend copper tubing without collapsing the walls. (Thank you YouTube!). It involved filling tubing with water and freezing before wrapping it around something curved.  Since it was -17 degrees here today, the freezing part was easy!
Once everything was frozen,(less than an hour)  I wrapped it around a cuff mandrel and voila–curved copper with no kinks or flat spots!  Took a few minutes to saw into 2 inch pieces, sand the edges and I was done.  All ready for my next class-can you guess what these will be used for?
img_2526img_2528Hint- Valentines Day is just over a month away… stay tuned!

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