Riding the ragged edge of disaster…..

While most the countryside is being greatly inconvenienced by our late winter weather, I hate to say it, but I’m enjoying every minute of it.  The roads are a mess and going anywhere is a challenge-but as long as I can make the 30 feet out to the shop, I’m happy-like really happy!♥♥♥

I had an earring design in mind and thought a textured silver circle would be a perfect component-but was looking for something other than etched silver.  It’s been a long time since I did any reticulation (melting silver scraps onto copper), so decided this was the weekend to revisit the process.

This article by Kaelin Cordis likens the process to “riding the ragged edge of disaster”..and she’s absolutely spot on. One second too long with the torch in one spot means you have a hole right through the back plate, and a “cooked” mess. Too little heat gives a mediocre texture.  Somewhere in the middle is where the magic happens– So here were the results of finding that sweet spot :

I set a hematite cabochon into one, and a garnet in another, pretty happy with the way these turned out-unpredictable but today was a good day!..and I only “cooked ” the first piece.


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