According to the published comments of the healing powers of Bloodstone (Heliotrope), this stone is an “epic” healer for returning your spirit too its natural state of joy and vitality.  Seems like a good thing in my world, considering it is January and who couldn’t use a good dose of vitality after the holidays…

I just finished cutting and polishing these stones this weekend and am beyond thrilled how they turned out-no pitting, no hidden cracks, and a shine that is so brilliant, it’s a challenge to photograph. The colours are rich and deep, and I think they’ll pair beautifully with Carnelian, which is what I have in mind.  My  Carnelian stash(associated with taking bold action with its hot and fiery spirt) is a darker red than the typical orange hues, so should pick up that deep red in these stones….I hope.

Now to design something…or maybe cut a few more rocks.

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