Today was one of those days, no plan in place and just enjoying whatever happened. Very unusual in my very regimented and scheduled world…it was nice.
I ended up in the shop, heat cranked up to thaw from the frigid-10 degree temperatures, thanking the energy gods! The skies were a brilliant blue and just after noon, the sun streamed into my work space (and on my back)-I call it my Golden Hour(s). I live for those moments ♥.
As usual, I had numerous projects on the go and another dozen or so ideas waiting to tackle. I’m crazy like that-
My first mission was to make something with my fabulous stash of old silverware. I bashed and hammered for a bit then got side-tracked by the stones on my bench. I’d cut this and other amazing Bloodstones last week and they were ready to go, bezels and all… However, I’d forgotten exactly what my original plans were for them. So—I just played.

I had planned to pair this with a Carnelian but when it came time to choose, this Garnet seemed to be just the right fit- I adore how it looks against the red in the Bloodstone.
The setting was made from acid etched silver, with a matching band. I think it ended up a size 8 ish… A few more stones to put together and then off to the Creston Arts Council Gift Shop for display..
I wish you all the time to “just be”…