
To divide or make something in such a way as to resemble a net or network….

pointy bits and sharp stuff..

There is always a bowl of scrap silver wire and metal bits close at hand on my work bench.  So coming up with supplies for this project was easy!  It’s been some time since I played with reticulation but I had an idea of combining it with another earring design I really liked and that led to these.  The silver reticulated beautifully onto the copper base and is full of fissures and craters, heavily accented with a patina of  Liver of Sulfur. The wire is Sterling  Silver as are the ear wires.

All wrapped up

This process led to a few more pieces:

This process is nicely demonstrated in this video by Nancy Hamilton and she show just how easy it can be.  I like pre-cutting my pieces because it is hard as sin to cut once it’s been reticulated!

It didn’t make much of a dent in my scrap pile–

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