This neck piece was made from the same piece of silver I etched earlier this month, and I love the flowery design. Reminds me Spring will be coming-one day. Doesn’t feel like it right now as we are in the middle of another wintery blast.

While I was at it, did some coordinating earrings.. the ear wires have a nicely rounded style to them that makes keeping them in place super easy.

Don’t you just love the rock??? Another special gift from my dear friend Bettylou. It’s a chunk of Fluorite (known as the rainbow keeper) that has stunning shades of green and purple throughout. Unfortunately when sliced, it crumbles to bits so it is serving it’s purpose as a prop-not the main attraction this time around.
My work is on display and for sale at Legend Logos in Creston BC, and the Creston Valley Visitor Centre through the Creston Valley Arts Council.