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If it involves anything spinning, on fire, or capable of doing major bodily harm-I'm in! All my interest in art has revolved around most things capable of seriously hurting myself-spinning wheels, hot kilns, grinding stones (and nails), cutting and soldering hot metal-love it all! A good friend of mine once said "if you are not living on the edge, you're wasting air..." this is my own personal quest in that regard....

Wahoo! Look what showed up in my mailbox…

Well, not exactly MY home mailbox, but close enough…I picked up this adorable little package in Port Hill today-our US postal drop, and what a treat that was!!  Beautifully presented and personalized, it just made my day.  Talented jewelry artist Diane Cooke was kind enough to share her supply of this gorgeous silver metal trim…and I can’t wait to use it on something–no idea what that might be, but I’m sure it will come to me at 3:00 AM some morning…..isn’t it pretty?♥♥♥

Silver  Strips

March of Hearts…

Today I tried a new (to me) resin…with great trepidation.  The little hearts I made from a variety of resins and clay types were all ready to go so thought I would try Susan Lenart Kazmer’s   Ice resin. It’s not as fluid as my regular doming resin, and more expensive–but just had to give it a try-

Fingers crossed, will see what things look like tomorrow–geeze, I HATE waiting!  Patience is not one of my strong suits-

So far, so good-


Marchig Hearts

Things I know for sure..

One of the cuffs I worked on today said “Blessed” on it.  I never gave it much  thought when I made that plaque a few days ago but this morning it seemed to matter. To me.  I have so much to be grateful for-close family and friends, a career I adore, my health and that of my family, and a life that is full and rewarding-I’ll take that on my cuff any day…..I know I am truly blessed.

I know no matter what my intentions, once I get into the shop, I have little control what happens…truly.  Thought today would be all about finishing off some “poufy hearts” for a few cuffs I was working on last week.  Nope-nada..diddly squat….didn’t happen.   I hauled out a  4 year old stash of “copper cuts” (yes, that’s how my filing system works…) scrubbed and cleaned them, piled them high with scrap silver wire-

1and this was what things looked like.  Melting silver on copper is a process called Shibuichi-and I’ve used it over the years but had forgotten how beautiful it could be. Anticipating the moment the silver turned molten and glistened and shimmered, and watched it dance,..  was perfect-you had to be there!  I know  I LOVE molten anything…

And then this miracle happened~


There were a few more little miracles to follow too:


Not sure how things could get much better than this-♥♥♥



Heart to Heart


If it’s February, then Valentine’s Day can’t be far away!   These little goodies are headed over to Creative Fix tomorrow, along with a big bag of new bling.  Stop by for a look if you’re in the area, coffee is always on at Brandy’s!


These pieces were inspired by a class I did with Janice Berkabile on “chasing”…bought some new tools to play with….yes that’s a silver “something or other”holding them.  Thought it was only fitting for the staggering costs of the tools that they be held in something worthy..

Chasing 1

And once the throbbing in my left thumb settled down, managed to create my first leaf….or something that actually resembled one.  Did you know those little bumps are called “frog skin” ???  me neither. (Another couple new tools had to be purchased to do them..of course)


Once I had the leaves figured out, I moved onto hearts.  My friend Diane Cook is the “Master” of Hearts-and has rocketed their popularity to the moon and back-her class on hearts is on my Bucket List.  One day…..whew, was a crazy month!



Love is in the air….

Left to my own devices, within 5 minutes of going into a perfectly clean and organized studio-I will have every tool, bead and roll of wire I own, piled high and stacked like cord wood next to me….I think I am not alone in this phenomena…

Tonight I got to play with hearts-all kinds of ’em.  I made these ones a few weeks ago, layers of antiqued phrases, textured clay resin, tiny glass beads-all encased in resin. These are attached to neck pieces made from bent and twisted copper or brass, leather cording, and finished off with hand formed closures….am having separation anxiety knowing these will soon be going to new homes…wish I could keep them all.  I think I may have a hoarding gene or two…  These pieces and more will be available next week at Creative Fix here in Creston-check out Brandy’s amazing shop then stop by for a coffee and have a look at the amazing array of Valentine gift choices she has to temp you!

Hoping you love these–:)

Who needs the gym….

Maap Gas, Propane and Butane…we had it all going in the shop today! These ladies were on a mission and focused on cuffs. Lots of ’em. They bent, twisted and pounded more metal than any class I’ve ever had, and worked up quite a sweat…I am so impressed and running out of words to describe the gorgeous creations they came up with! Many of the pieces are still being completed-come back and see the rest in a day or two and please leave a comment !



Bezels and Beyond

Snow brought just a bit more winter to our corner of the world this weekend-just a perfect excuse to spend 2 days in the workshop!  These ladies had no idea what a “bezel” was, let alone what to do with one should they stumble across it…. sure didn’t take long for that to change.

They already knew how to cut the back plates but adding copper tube rings with solder and flooding with solder was new to them. Only a few minor casualties, including a dime as an unintended adornment, and they were well on their way to creating their first bezels!

A bit of annealing, some hammering on the anvil, weaving some gorgeous sari silks, and the challenge of putting it all together was well under way.

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While the majority of the bezels were curing after being filled with resin, these finished projects were ready for a photo opportunity–just love the wonderful ways these talented folks can take a basic concept and  create such distinct, uniquely beautiful works of art.

Meantime, back in the house, the rest of the bezels were curing and just chillin’.

That was enough for one weekend-more to come on the completed projects!  Here’s a sneak peak on one of them…courtesy of Ms. Amy-this bezel contains snippets of a very personal family letter, and turned out just spectacular!


A Whole Weekend of Wonderful–


6 incredible ladies on a mission—2 days of having just a bit of fun and a few laughs while they cut, torched, pounded and manipulated raw metal into amazing works of art.   I was beyond impressed.. .  The pieces they made were as unique and beautiful as the women who created them–

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And there was more-much more.  Once the cuff production was under control, earrings were next on the addenda.  And I think a pendant or two…too busy to get any more photos-will plan better next time :).  Thank you ladies for sharing your creative ideas, the energetic company,  and infectious ideas of fun!