Category Archives: Earrings

Luscious LAyers…

This neck piece was made from the same piece of silver I etched earlier this month, and I love the flowery design. Reminds me Spring will be coming-one day. Doesn’t feel like it right now as we are in the middle of another wintery blast.

While I was at it, did some coordinating earrings.. the ear wires have a nicely rounded style to them that makes keeping them in place super easy.

Don’t you just love the rock??? Another special gift from my dear friend Bettylou. It’s a chunk of Fluorite (known as the rainbow keeper) that has stunning shades of green and purple throughout. Unfortunately when sliced, it crumbles to bits so it is serving it’s purpose as a prop-not the main attraction this time around.

My work is on display and for sale at Legend Logos in Creston BC, and the Creston Valley Visitor Centre through the Creston Valley Arts Council.

Amber…tiny bits 30-90 millions years old…

Who knew??? According to research, Amber has been around almost forever and has amazing properties..including magical powers. Can’t think of a better way to start off a new century!

These little gems are the final product of a lengthy process. It began with etching a pattern into a sheet of silver. Simple enough process usually but it’s been awhile since I etched anything, and because I’m never content to do anything the “same old way”, I just had to look for better methods. It’s like falling into a rabbit hole, so many choices!!! I spent a month buying new supplies, a laminator, PNP paper, and researching Vector images–Etsy , EBAy and Amazon love me! After all that, am back to my original methods…which work.

I had these tiny Amber cabochons stashed away and finally found a home for them. I think they’re happy… and yes, they are purposely cattywampus…just because I could.

My work is on display and for sale at Legend Logos in Creston BC, and the Creston Valley Visitor Centre through the Creston Valley Arts Council.

Bring on winter…

I am amazed to see it’s been nearly 9 months since I posted …2017 flew by in a blur.  The first snowflake  brought a bit of calm to my real estate world so recently I had an afternoon to dust off my work bench and just play.  I had some new tools to try out, and a plethora of ideas that have been simmering on the back burner—Now to focus on a few new classes. Love this beautiful craft and process of creation!

A story to tell…

Many years ago when I first tried using  an acetylene torch, I spent the day torching the daylights out of some brass that I had previously etched with various patterns.  The results of all this labour were lots of horrid looking little pieces of contorted black metal that didn’t turn out quite as I’d envisioned…

This process is called reticulation-the brass is heated to it’s melting point and then all kinds of magic happens-if you are looking for the rugged/molten look.  Unfortunately toxic fumes can also be given off, a fact I learned about long after.  The ugly “bits” were then stored away, to be long forgotten until 2017.

For whatever reason, I pulled some of these pieces out, in search of some “texture”.  I certainly had it in spades with this collection!  Since I’d risked life and limb to make the darn things, seemed only fitting to do something with them.  I had always been stumped with exactly how to use them-but as my work evolved, so did the opportunities to fit them into my designs.  Here is the first piece I used some of the brass in, just love all the mountains, valleys and waves that were created during the torching process:

Pendant with Black Onyx

I was on a roll, and next came a set of earrings with garnet beads, and another pendant, featuring a beautiful Almandine Garnet-a stone I just adore and use frequently in my work.



Another set of earrings whose design was dictated by the shape of the melted pieces – they remind me of a Madonna…paired with black heishi beads, I am happy with these ones!

Reticulated Brass Ear Drops

I have more pieces done, awaiting their cabochons..will post when complete.  Would love to hear what you think about this process!








I’m finding lots of inspiration with the reticulated silver I’ve been working with this week-now that I have a process for getting good (most of the time) results.  It works well with so many designs and pairs great with my stash of semi precious gemstones and rocks.  Here are a few that I did:

The metal is fairly tough once it’s done, and bending is almost impossible so no curves on small pieces.  However, it’s easy to add bezel settings to and with care, will let you solder on top without turning the thing into a puddle of silver. This one has a hematite stone on it:

If you have silver scraps sitting around, try this and see what you come up with, it’s a great way to create some truly unique components! Here is a great You Tube tutorial that walks you through the process…Happy reticulating!


A Flurry of Fine Feathers

A request from our local business EyeCandy Esthetics brought me here-up to my knees in feathers…I have an whole new appreciation of them these days.  I adore the stunning beauty of the colours and the subtle luminescence  of each and every one.  They are mini works of art all on their own.

What I didn’t appreciate was what the challenges of me working with them would look like-full facial mask, goggles and an air purifier-rather like a mini hazmat team happening here. I’d forgotten I was allergic to feathers…just got caught up in the excitement of it all and before I knew it-there I was.

It was worth it all-I am so enchanted with the end results, am going to try wearing a pair tomorrow…will let you know how that idea goes….or not.



Bustin’ out in Bezels


What an amazing weekend with these very special ladies..laughed so much! It was made so much more exciting by Lynne Mizera who shared her expertise in creating background papers for the bezels-and her love for brilliant colours was contagious.

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Things got really exciting from there- after  some torching, pickling, pounding and riveting–and a few prayers to the bezel gods, this magic happened:

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OK- not all of these pieces had a bezel, ladies got a little side-tracked.  Sometimes it just happens – magic is like that.  Most these folks had never touched a torch, let alone knew what a bezel was or come within a 100 miles of a metalsmith shop…. Proud teacher!!!! ♥♥♥


Crazy for Copper

It didn’t take much of a demonstration to get this crew well on their way!  Happily pounding on sheet metal and firing up torches like they’d done it forever, these ladies were on a mission.  They amazed me with their creativity, and enthusiasm for trying out nearly every shop tool I own.

 After just a short few hours, these are some of the creations that appeared-wow.

They learned how to solder, set a bezel for a stone, how to anneal, pickle and patina, shape, make a set of silver ear wires, draw a bead with silver, stamp, come cold connection techniques, and mostly how to problem solve. They knew what they wanted, just had to figure out how to get their with each piece.  The results make this teacher proud !  Did I mention how much fun we had- and to be able to spend my day in the pleasure of their company was terrific! Thank you ladies-



Fall 2016 Classes

 The weather has finally cooled off a bit here in the Creston Valley and  the shop has followed suit…thankfully!  Excited about the first class for Fall 2016-it’s going to be just wicked! Will be playing with copper and creating some awesome pieces-a time to treat  yourself to some “just me” time before the hectic holiday seasons begin….mark Sunday September 25th, 2016 on your calendar!

Did I mention the soldering that will be happening?  And the stones we’ll be using–carnelian, soapstone, black onyx, aventurine, jasper and blue lapis…yum. Only 15 more sleeps….If you are local or plan on being the area, contact me for course details at

Finally some shop time!

It’s been an insane 4 months and it was so relaxing just to get a couple hours to play tonight.  Had some things I wanted to try out and this was one of em’…I  had seen something similar online and was dying to try my version.  I had already etched a sheet of sterling silver and made a batch of ear wires in advance so just had to cut out and form-giving these a trial run tomorrow!

Adore working with silver!
Adore working with silver!