Category Archives: In the Shop

A Flurry of Fine Feathers

A request from our local business EyeCandy Esthetics brought me here-up to my knees in feathers…I have an whole new appreciation of them these days.  I adore the stunning beauty of the colours and the subtle luminescence  of each and every one.  They are mini works of art all on their own.

What I didn’t appreciate was what the challenges of me working with them would look like-full facial mask, goggles and an air purifier-rather like a mini hazmat team happening here. I’d forgotten I was allergic to feathers…just got caught up in the excitement of it all and before I knew it-there I was.

It was worth it all-I am so enchanted with the end results, am going to try wearing a pair tomorrow…will let you know how that idea goes….or not.



Bustin’ out in Bezels


What an amazing weekend with these very special ladies..laughed so much! It was made so much more exciting by Lynne Mizera who shared her expertise in creating background papers for the bezels-and her love for brilliant colours was contagious.

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Things got really exciting from there- after  some torching, pickling, pounding and riveting–and a few prayers to the bezel gods, this magic happened:

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OK- not all of these pieces had a bezel, ladies got a little side-tracked.  Sometimes it just happens – magic is like that.  Most these folks had never touched a torch, let alone knew what a bezel was or come within a 100 miles of a metalsmith shop…. Proud teacher!!!! ♥♥♥


Fellow Artists Play Date…

Of course I had to pick one of the hottest days of the summer to do this, but we survived.  A wonderful (smoking hot) day spent with some amazingly talented friends,  and artists in their own right,  just sharing ideas, lots of laughs,  and enjoying each other’s special gifts.  None of these folks have ever worked with metal etching, let alone turning it into wearable art…their pieces left me “amazed”–♥♥♥ and feeling so grateful to be able to call them my friends..

Thanks to Anne Fetterly , Bart Bjorkman , Janet Holder and sister Linda and  Danica Sullivan ! You guys rock.

Crunch time….

The hours are ticking but I still have a bit more shop  (play) time!  Busy getting the last of my Christmas pieces finished, boxed up and delivered.  Here’s what’s keeping me away from the eggnog this week-

All that marathon etching  came in useful, was nice to have lots of already prepared copper and brass on hand to jump start the production!  Can’t seem to get enough of layering and shaping this stuff. Each of these pieces are layered and curved and etched, and textured  and– to top  it all off, dug out my stash of silver and some crystal beads and added “just a bit more”…






Heart to Heart


If it’s February, then Valentine’s Day can’t be far away!   These little goodies are headed over to Creative Fix tomorrow, along with a big bag of new bling.  Stop by for a look if you’re in the area, coffee is always on at Brandy’s!


These pieces were inspired by a class I did with Janice Berkabile on “chasing”…bought some new tools to play with….yes that’s a silver “something or other”holding them.  Thought it was only fitting for the staggering costs of the tools that they be held in something worthy..

Chasing 1

And once the throbbing in my left thumb settled down, managed to create my first leaf….or something that actually resembled one.  Did you know those little bumps are called “frog skin” ???  me neither. (Another couple new tools had to be purchased to do them..of course)


Once I had the leaves figured out, I moved onto hearts.  My friend Diane Cook is the “Master” of Hearts-and has rocketed their popularity to the moon and back-her class on hearts is on my Bucket List.  One day…..whew, was a crazy month!



Friends in all the right places..♥♥♥

Look what landed in my workshop this week..I am soooo excited, can hardly contain myself. Doin’ a big happy dance! Over 100 pounds of copper, which in my mind calculates to enough earrings and cuffs to keep me going until 2030 (more or less). Be careful what you wish for…

Thank You Jim! The bad news is my husband just lost another 10 square feet from his side of our shared workshop.