Category Archives: Uncategorized

A little dangle and a bit of spangle..

A few sets of ear drops made their way under Christmas trees this year..

These lovelies were based on the same concept as the adjustable rings I posted earlier, but much smaller. The rings are etched silver and the rest is hand formed silver wire.

I had a few small cabochons on hand and made these pairs with Labradorite, Turquoise, and some silver balls in an etched disc.  I’ve had great feed back on the hook style of the last 2, and will be doing more of those for sure!

Now off to the shop to play…♥

To Patina or Not to Patina??

It’s always the $64,000 dollar question…you either really like the darkening effect on the silver, or you really don’t. I go through phases of both. Currently I am putting a patina (Liver of Sulfur bath) on everything…and then polishing the daylights out of it.

I’m also using lots of wire in this wrapping process. I adore the messy aspect of this wrap, and it works really well with the ear wire design with a similar ball finish. This is one of my most asked for styles, but I keep them differently sized and shaped, and obviously wire wrapped, so no pair will ever be identical-or even remotely so.

Running in Circles…

I took a break from cutting cabochons today, and played with wire-mainly because I could do it in the house instead of freezing to death in my shop.  It’s March 12th, and we woke up to another snowfall- I think Mother Nature is having some serious issues. She needs therapy, or wine.

A brief respite from the snow-but the  temperature is dropping again and this will be white stuff in a few minutes…

These Sterling Silver earrings are hand-formed from 16 gauge wire, then textured with an aging patina added to accentuate the hammer marks.  They dangle and shimmer from the ear wires, love how they catch the light!  Thanks Carla for being my “Ear Model”…always good to know I can call a friend to help me out! Doing an ear “selfie” is a bit trickier than anticipated-

Bruneau Jasper and Onyx..

I’ve just finished this piece and after researching the Bruneau Jasper stone, find it’s no longer being made available from the area it was found… Which happens to be about 500 miles south from where I live…Darn!  I am being very careful about how I cut the rest of the cabochons from my last remaining piece-

The raw stone slab this stone was cut from is shown in the photos;  I think there are a few more exciting possibilities that this raw stone has to surprise me with-and it’s ALWAYS a surprise,  kind of like Christmas ♥.

Check out my Etsy store for this and other items currently for sale, and please leave a comment, would love to hear your feedback.

The Spoon saga continues…

One of my earliest jewelry “spoon” projects was never quite  completed.. .  I like to think it was just waiting to become something more – I came across this piece  when looking for something to finish off this journal. I just added a couple more holes then  sewed it onto the elastic .  (Because the spoon was Sterling Silver, not plate, I was able to solder the dragon fly and wire to it. )  Now to finish the cording.

So….I had a second journal that also needed “something” on its closure, so added this etched brass button-loved the way it turned out ♥  This journal was made during a one year course I am taking  with the fabulous Effie Wild, who is an amazing and gifted Canadian journal artist and on-line teacher.  If journaling is something you want to try or enhance your current projects, check her out!

It’s amazing how these metal treasures seem to expand into all areas of my life, love when that happens!

Special Spoons…

I was given a rather large stash of Silverware..and today was the first time I had a few moments to decide what to do with it.  My dear friend Kris made some spoon earrings a few months ago and they were stunning on her- I’ve taken great liberty with her original design to come up with a few more of my own.

I’ve learned a lot in the past 24 hours.  There is a HUGE difference between working with Silver Plate and Sterling ware. My stash is silver plate so any heat melts off the silver layer which means no soldering, or annealing-a process that makes the metal softer and more malleable. Not only is it brutal on the hands from trying to bend and shape the stuff, it’s killer on my drilling tools.  Just drilling the holes took everything my instruments could handle and then some.

This is the set I started with- thank you Win Dinn!

I started with the really tiny spoons, it’s amazing how large they become when flattened.  I’m always cognizant of the weight of my ear creations-especially with added beads etc.  I tried lots of ways of flattening, texturing and shaping.  With no outcome in mind, was wonderful to just play.

The beads I used in these pieces were Black glass Czech glass beads, hand crafted silver beads and fossil coral-love them all!

The book I used for the photos is very special to me- it was given to my grandmother (Penelope Waddy) in 1902 when she was finishing her Teaching degree in Liverpool, England .  I knew her as Granny Huscroft, one of the Pioneer’s of this beautiful Creston Valley. I hope she would be pleased to see it has survived the past 117 years and is still very much appreciated ♥

Keeping Life on track…

Today was one of those days, no plan in place and just enjoying whatever happened.  Very unusual in my very regimented and scheduled world…it was nice.

I ended up in the shop, heat cranked up to thaw from the frigid-10 degree temperatures, thanking the energy gods!  The skies were a brilliant blue and just after noon, the sun streamed into my work space (and on my back)-I call it my Golden Hour(s). I live for those moments ♥.

As usual, I had numerous projects on the go and another dozen or so ideas waiting to tackle. I’m crazy like that-

My first mission was to make something with my fabulous stash of old silverware. I bashed and hammered for a bit then got side-tracked by the stones on my bench.  I’d cut this and other  amazing Bloodstones last week and they were ready to go, bezels and all…  However, I’d forgotten exactly what my original plans were for them.  So—I just played. 

I had planned to pair this with a Carnelian but when it came time to choose, this Garnet seemed to be just the right fit- I adore how it looks against the red in the Bloodstone.

The setting was made from acid etched silver, with a matching band.  I think it ended up a size 8 ish… A few more stones to put together and then off to the Creston Arts Council Gift Shop for display..

I wish you all the time to “just be”…

Simple but Significant~

My metal of choice for most of 2018 had been Sterling Silver. When I finished cutting this beautiful Crazy Lace Jasper cabochon, the colours just seemed more suited to a brass base rather than silver-so I pulled out a gorgeous piece of brass I’d etched many months before…and magic happened.

Two layers of hand-etched brass are the base for this 1 1/2″ wide  cuff.   The top layer features a cabochon that is set in a silver setting, edged in beaded silver wire, and attached with brass rivets to the main cuff. A patina was applied to age the piece, then protected with a durable resin spray to protect from tarnishing.

One of my most requested cuff styles, this design is so easy to wear that you forget it’s even on your wrist.  I am still wearing and loving similar ones I made many years ago…♥

Will be available for sale  shortly at Legend Logos in Creston, BC


According to the published comments of the healing powers of Bloodstone (Heliotrope), this stone is an “epic” healer for returning your spirit too its natural state of joy and vitality.  Seems like a good thing in my world, considering it is January and who couldn’t use a good dose of vitality after the holidays…

I just finished cutting and polishing these stones this weekend and am beyond thrilled how they turned out-no pitting, no hidden cracks, and a shine that is so brilliant, it’s a challenge to photograph. The colours are rich and deep, and I think they’ll pair beautifully with Carnelian, which is what I have in mind.  My  Carnelian stash(associated with taking bold action with its hot and fiery spirt) is a darker red than the typical orange hues, so should pick up that deep red in these stones….I hope.

Now to design something…or maybe cut a few more rocks.

Rings on her fingers…

I’ve been on a bit of a “ring thing” lately, and this design is an easy one to wear.  Some of the bands were acid etched by hand, others were hand textured with a variety of hammers. Accurate sawing is the key to making these perfect, along with spot-on soldering and lots of luck. Needles to say, they are all perfectly imperfect with the marks of the maker here and there.

A design I just love working with is a silver band, etched or textured, with a gemstone setting.  These faceted stones dance in the light and are certainly attention getters!  The first band has a lab created amethyst, the second is a White Quartz.  I think my very favourite stone at the moment is the Tourmalinated Quartz, which contains the healing properties of two gemstones to create a powerful energy tool.  On this textured ring I added Sterling silver balls.  The fourth ring is a brilliant Ice Blue Topaz

This is one ring style that I wear almost all of the time , and surprisingly enough, have not damaged it, lost the stone or bent the setting.  I love the pure simplicity of it.

These rings are not adjustable so must either be available in the correct wearers’ size or custom made to fit.  For that reason I really like this next design-it’s somewhat adjustable and involves far less work than precise fittings to size..

I’ve used a variety of stones on these bands, including Aventurine, Black Onyx, Labradorite, Garnets and Sodalite.  Additional ones were made with Sterling silver stampings, it’s hard to say which one I like the best-luckily I don’t have to chose ♥