Category Archives: Uncategorized

Copper Curves

OK-I know most of you have absolutely no clue why I am soooo excited about this…and no, it’s not a moonshine  still component (altho it definitely could be…). Just figured out how to bend copper tubing without collapsing the walls. (Thank you YouTube!). It involved filling tubing with water and freezing before wrapping it around something curved.  Since it was -17 degrees here today, the freezing part was easy!
Once everything was frozen,(less than an hour)  I wrapped it around a cuff mandrel and voila–curved copper with no kinks or flat spots!  Took a few minutes to saw into 2 inch pieces, sand the edges and I was done.  All ready for my next class-can you guess what these will be used for?
img_2526img_2528Hint- Valentines Day is just over a month away… stay tuned!

Turkey Feathers

Don’t ask what happened to the rest of the bird, but his feathers continue on…in jewelry no less.  These were used to help create background papers for my next workshop that will involve resin- filled bezels.  Wishing my good friend and amazing artist Lynn Mizera could have joined me in this, she has a “way” with paper and inks that she shares on her blog so pop over and have a look!  And bonus for me, she lives in Creston!




A Stone of Vision…

Hate to admit how long this cuff took from start to finish, I measured production time in weeks, not hours. It began with the stone, called Unakite, that I cut here in our Creston Rock Club shop. Unakite Jasper, according to my stone directory is a stone of vision. of the most healing crystals of the heart and I’m going with that! I also added a couple garnets – good for regeneration and vitality..this should be one healthy good luck cuff!

unakite-cuffThe silver cuff template came from a course I took with Leslie Kail Villarreal  earlier this year and if you are a silver smith, it’s worth checking out!

3 carat bling…

SO loving this gorgeous white quartz…”Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is powerfully protective because of these properties..”

On top of all this wonderfulness, it’s just plain stunning.  The band is hand formed and hammered 20 gauge sterling silver, that has not been antiqued—yet.  May just leave it as is, or maybe not.  I often wear my pieces for a bit before deciding on the final finishing touches, waiting to see what feels just right. This may never leave  my finger-




And more rings…

Well, one more anyhow…this half formed ring was sitting around the shop waiting to become “something”..and tonight was THE night!  Just happened to have some beautiful hematite stones on hand and they look scrumptious with the etched silver! Working on some new designs but keep coming back to this one-looks clunky but wears beautifully.  This is a design from Leslie Kail Villarreal whose course I took earlier this year-a must for any metalsmith!


Just too many bits of awesomeness to choose from…

This lapidary stuff is becoming an obsession, like I need another one in my life….I just can’t help it.  There are piles and stacks of some of most delicious looking rock slabs I’ve ever seen,  at the Creston Valley Rock and Lapidary Club .  And they let you touch them–and buy them–and cut them —

Here are a couple cabochons I did yesterday, and today, finally made some settings for them.  Not exactly sure what the stones are but I don’t really care-they look amazing with my stash of copper, brass and bronze.

The monthly meeting enjoyed a fabulous presentation by local goldsmith Tony Mulder, where he shared all kinds of tempting tidbits on gem stones (natural and grown)-who knew you can make these things??? Thanks Tony for sharing-your knowledge and talent is impressive.

If you are in the Creston area and think you might like to give this “rock thing” a try, come on down to the club where there’s always someone willing and delighted to help you get started…if you are not local, look up your town’s own lapidary guild and jump in-the water’s fine 🙂





An Old Flame…

Hard to believe it was nearly 40 years ago that I cut my first piece of rock – and  I still have it (and all my fingers)…Life took over and after all those years away from it, not long ago I was able to join the Creston Valley Rock and Lapidary Club.  Getting a glimpse into the storage area where boxes and boxes and tubs and buckets of rocks are kept nearly gave me heart palpitations! Piles of jasper, agate and petrified wood-all calling my name.

Will take awhile and lots of practice to get my pieces to where they should be, but in the meantime, I am having a blast  building the bezels for the stones to be placed in.  My “new” love is bronze–I adore the warm and soft colours that it produces, and it etches and takes patinas beautifully.    Look closely at the first setting-the etching was done with the Lord’s Prayer and the word Amen just happened to surface right below the agate…I didn’t even notice until I looked at the photo-Love the little surprises in my life!