Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sunset Yellow

The sunsets off our deck overlooking the Valley can be breath-taking. These little earrings remind me of those colours-especially the copper/orange sari silk. The brass pieces have been etched with a Zendoodle pattern, and then pale copper Swarovski briolette crystals complete the look-hope you like!
Pop over to my Etsy store to order and see the new stock just posted. Thanks all!

Silk’n Jade


It was cold (-15) and snowing here today, perfect excuse to spend a few hours in the studio-
These pale green jade beads are some of my fav’s…and the little brass caps I made remind me of my trip to China. It kind of all works-also added a tiny strip of Sari silk from India, think I have most of Asia covered–
Please drop by my Etsy shop if you are interested in pricing and/or purchasing.

Punch and Polish

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This weekend was fun-I got to show my Mom exactly what I do for days on end-happily in my own little world in the studio.
I showed her how I punch prepared metal discs and turn them into little bead caps-easier said than done. Then she watched as I polished 10 pairs of sterling ear wires after being dunked in liver of sulphur..the shop smelled *&^$* awful–.
Terrific afternoon-thanks Mom for the help and encouragement, she’s one of my biggest fans!

Playin ‘ with Patinas

Patinas 1

Patina (/ˈpætɨnə/ or /pəˈtnə/) is a tarnish that forms on the surface of copper, bronze and similar metals (produced by oxidation or other chemical processes); or any such acquired change of a surface through age and exposure. Patinas can provide a protective layer to materials that would otherwise be damaged by corrosion or weathering. They may also be aesthetically appealing.

It’s a cool and gloomy day in the valley-just perfect for playing in the shop! Quite by mistake I left some sheets of etched brass sitting on the bench, wet. Like for 2 weeks. When I finally got around to doing something with them, they’d developed all kinds of “interesting” colors on them. When they came out of their regular antique solution, the colors changed but were replaced with this fabulous brown/red/green tint to parts of them. A sealant coat made the colors just pop. I just love this look!

These 3 pieces are destined to become bracelets – And I am going back to the shop to try to remember exactly what I did to get this result…with my memory, will be a minor miracle if that happens.

More to come-



Just in Time!

IMG_8774My latest shipment of Sari Silk ribbons just arrived-they are gorgeous!!! Recycled from vintage silk saris, these ribbons are made at a fair trade family operated co-op in India. ( Proceeds help women in India and Nepal support their families and gets rid of landfill waste).
Wasn’t hard to figure out what to do with them-just finished a fabulous tutorial by the super-talented Deryn Mentock, so dove right in. These wrapped beads are what resulted…now what to make? Possibilities are endless-love playin’ with pretty things:)

I know some of these will end up as baby headbands-my photographer daughter Dani uses them in her baby shots-too cute!  Lovin’ silk must run in the family….


The aftermath….

IMG_8518Well-that was quite the evening….the folks in Dawson Creek sure know how to shop!!! I will be going back to Creston much lighter (sadly only in the jewelry department). A very special thank you to everyone who dropped by and stocked up on their Christmas shopping. Was just delightful meeting the new folks and wonderful catching up with our old friends. My Christmas is complete.

Early Christmas

VMA1Just look what arrived today–my latest estate sale purchase…. This small vintage brooch has an Art Glass Cabochon and is nestled in a finely detailed brass filigree setting. The colors are fabulous! Watch for it to resurface shortly, adorning an etched cuff-
Getting ready for a couple of Trunk Shows in Dawson Creek, if you are in the area over Christmas, watch for details!