Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Whole Lotta Love

Tumbler 1Was like opening 5 early Christmas gifts this afternoon! These pieces are just out of the tumbler-aren’t they shiny? And gorgeous? and making my heart pitty-pat?……Not sure why there are only 24 hours in the day but sure could use a few more, just can’t wait to get these made up into some new pieces-but will wait until morning and spare my poor husband the racket I make in the process.
I’ve been working with some new links, thanks to Cindy Wimmer’s new book that has so many great ideas! Thank you Cindy for the inspiration! I am on a roll-
Getting ready for some Christmas shows, so stay tuned for lots of new creations and pop over to my store to view everything available. I value you feedback so please leave some comments!!!

Treasure Hunt!

It’s all HER fault–A chance phone call to Jill Rockwell after reading an article about her work in the Victoria Times Colonist way back in 2010 led me down the path that brought me to this…

Jill is an amazingly talented mixed media artist who enjoys sharing her craft with anyone who will listen–her love of all things metal is contagious! Lots of laughs later, here I am today—slogging through the boxes, wondering how I managed to accumulate so much “stuff”…I bought treasures, then tucked them away for the new studio-Lord, it’s like Christmas with every box that gets opened!!!!

I spent tonight trying to clean up the studio-with mixed results–and I haven’t even started on the workshop….Thank you Jill–love you for this!

I have dimples!!!!!


Who Knew???
Who Knew???

I was bemoaning the fact I needed more texturing hammers-and that I had none in Creston with me on this trip. While reviewing some participant comments in my Artful Gathering Group , someone mentioned they used their Scrap booking dimpler….Well, I just happen to have a basement full of scrap book supplies–including this wonderful contraption–my Crop-a-dial! As you can see from the photo, it works just awesome!!!! So will give my husband back all the punches I “borrowed” from his side of out our shared work shop…

Nuts about Knots….

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No idea where I’ll use these new treasures, but sure had a blast making them today! My nails are definitely destroyed, and my hands need a hot bubble bath -but was worth it:). Am taking full advantage of my new studio for a couple more weeks-I can bash and bang without disturbing anyone. I had a few visitors drop by, including a neighborhood cat-we both moved out when the 30+degree heat took over.  Budget didn’t include A/C….

Not a good week between me and UPS. Dan’s new cell phone was sent to Victoria instead of Creston-interesting process to have that rerouted!  My silver wire order which usually arrives in 2 days is taking 2 weeks—e-mail issues, and Lord only knows where our drapes are. Am learning to be patient, but slowly….life in a small town certainly has it’s own pace. It’s a bit like Mexico and China…..Breathe Carol, breathe…

What a day!

IMG_6447Fabulous few hours in my new studio–too bad it doesn’t have air conditioning….was smokin’ hot here today! So I just added to the heat by doing some test soldering projects….lovin’ the direction this is headed. This cuff is a work in progress, kind of like me:). This is an etched brass cuff with some stamped silver solder -just waiting for the finishing touches.
Cannot begin to describe what my hands and nails look like….uggghh!

What a Team!!!

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My talented daughter-in-law Kalee found an interesting rock in her travels at Beadazzled in Creston BC and hoped to make it into a necklace. Between the two of us, we managed to come up with a creative brass wire wrap which she then added an antiquing patina to. She chose a black rubber cord and brass clasp to finish the piece, and the end result was rather spectacular.
We spent the afternoon collecting rocks at Destiny Bay on Kootenay Lake, which I am sure will result in a few more similar project in the coming months. Too bad the rock tumbler/polisher takes 5-6 weeks to run a load through! I am sure it has something to do with me learning the lesson of “patience”….
Brass, rocks and rubber, what a combination:)
My daughter Dani, an amazing photographer, has also been here on holidays and kindly took the shots you see here–she’s also been the lady behind most of my blog shots.
I am surrounded by talent, and feel very blessed they graciously share it with me and my efforts on this site. Thank you all!

Just Junkin’

Had a fabulous afternoon in Bonners Ferry Idaho at the 3 Mile Antique Mall….chock-a-block full of goodies!!! When the power went out we thought our fun was over. The shop owners let us go on, iphone lights in hand, & we continued shopping through the dark mazes of stuff, made out like bandits. Found lots of incredible, amazing stuff. Danica of course found the most random items that she could stuff a baby in to:) -what a great day with my Mom and daughter!!!!!
Dani found an old mail box that was beautiful–until she opened it. It had a huge hornet’s nest inside…a swift kick closed it and we decided we really didn’t quite love it all that much….
This place was mind-boggling–it had HUGE displays inside and out, out back, around the sides and hanging off the roof. We had no idea how they secured it at night–probably better we not know.
I found 3 very old, ornate egg baskets, and 2 cast iron urns that weighed a tonne…it all came home with me. I also picked up a very ancient brass fishing lure that has a gorgeous patina-and a sinker attached. It’s destined for a future jewelry piece….Yes, I know-hard to believe.
The lovely lady with the delightful southern drawl manning the front counter offered to take a cheque from us since the power was out-no Visa or debit machines..we live in another country for heaven sake! How nice was that! Anyhow, Mom was our back-up banker and we managed to come up with enough cash. We hated to leave this place, but at 30+ degrees with no fans or air, was a bit sweltering to put it mildly. At the border, we didn’t have to pay either-apparently old junk is exempt. Bonus!!!!!
What an afternoon-


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I amaze myself sometimes….not often–but occasionally. I actually finished this piece after it rolled around my work bench in various stages for about 2 weeks. Wasn’t happy with the beads-so replaced them, 3 times. The rings I’d decided to use weren’t quite “right”-so I made these out of sterling silver…several times. The focal drop was something I made over a year ago, it’s been just chillin’ out waiting for me to get inspired to actually finish the job. I did and it is! Done that is- Vintage rhinestones, acid etched brass, and a beautiful little 1940’s repurposed brooch – seems to work together just about perfectly…hope you like:).

Did you know it’s “brooch” not “broach”-like I’ve been spelling it for over 50 years? Me neither.

Beach Glass… Bingo!

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Spent a fabulous late afternoon with my good friend Joy just hangin’ out on the beach in Sidney, picking beach glass. Didn’t take long to fill up our bag, along with some interesting rocks that I’ll polish in the tumber…Just need a long, rainy weekend to play and see what I can do with these little gems! An early dinner at Beacon Landing was such a treat, some mouth-watering salads, great company, awesome water views, and a cool drink-life is good.