Tag Archives: agate

Luscious Sage Amethyst

I just simply adore Amethyst in all its forms but my favourite is Sage Amethyst…it comes from a very specific area of the Bilk Mountain Range in Nevada.  The more I work with it, the more I appreciate all the beautiful variations with the dendrites (tree like inclusions), and the multiple shades of purple, green and gray.  This is what I started with:

I cut my cabs around the cracks or other imperfections of the slab, with nothing in particular in mind, other than creating something with interesting patterns, highlighting the various areas I find to be particularly interesting. It’s never quite what I envisioned when I’m done, usually much more exciting and impressive.

Gotta love that colour combo!



What a difference a day makes…

I can see my shop out there-just can’t get to it…we got blessed again last night with another 2′ of snow.

So in the meantime, here is a piece I finished before the real white stuff arrived:

This is a 2″ agate I cut, leaving the one edge rough and textured.  Putting it into a setting was a bit of a challenge because I wanted light to come through as much as possible, and not to cover the textured side.  After weeks of sitting on my bench, this is what I came up with-it’s not perfect but I love it!  The silver setting took some doing with multiple attachments, using every gauge of solder I own, but everything came out intact including the silver balls, wire prongs, heart and bail-whew! Learned a lot and have some great ideas of what to do with the rest of the cabochons I have sitting in this box:

Time to go do some shovelling..