Who knew??? According to research, Amber has been around almost forever and has amazing properties..including magical powers. Can’t think of a better way to start off a new century!

These little gems are the final product of a lengthy process. It began with etching a pattern into a sheet of silver. Simple enough process usually but it’s been awhile since I etched anything, and because I’m never content to do anything the “same old way”, I just had to look for better methods. It’s like falling into a rabbit hole, so many choices!!! I spent a month buying new supplies, a laminator, PNP paper, and researching Vector images–Etsy , EBAy and Amazon love me! After all that, am back to my original methods…which work.
I had these tiny Amber cabochons stashed away and finally found a home for them. I think they’re happy… and yes, they are purposely cattywampus…just because I could.

My work is on display and for sale at Legend Logoshttps://www.facebook.com/legendlogos.ca/ in Creston BC, and the Creston Valley Visitor Centre through thehttps://www.crestonvalleyartscouncil.ca/ Creston Valley Arts Council.