Tag Archives: bracelets

Luscious Sage Amethyst

I just simply adore Amethyst in all its forms but my favourite is Sage Amethyst…it comes from a very specific area of the Bilk Mountain Range in Nevada.  The more I work with it, the more I appreciate all the beautiful variations with the dendrites (tree like inclusions), and the multiple shades of purple, green and gray.  This is what I started with:

I cut my cabs around the cracks or other imperfections of the slab, with nothing in particular in mind, other than creating something with interesting patterns, highlighting the various areas I find to be particularly interesting. It’s never quite what I envisioned when I’m done, usually much more exciting and impressive.

Gotta love that colour combo!



Hot Stuff!

It’s been +35 Celsius this week, and in the shop with torches going, even toastier….I quit when the sweat running off my face was splashing onto the metal and creating puffs of steam.  A new method of heat patina???  So far, this is what my latest cuff project looks like-I know, I know…but come back and see the finished project in a couple days-

This is the "ugly duckling" stage...
This is the “ugly duckling” stage…


Crazy about Cuffs…

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Today was “Catch Up” time, finally shot, edited, and posted some new pieces-about time! Managed to get them posted to my Etsy site as well, wow-I’m really on a roll…..Also tackled my shop and studio this week. Both were in dire need of a clean-up….a big one. Stay tuned for my next post, confessions of a “collector”…