Tag Archives: feathers

A Flurry of Fine Feathers

A request from our local business EyeCandy Esthetics brought me here-up to my knees in feathers…I have an whole new appreciation of them these days.  I adore the stunning beauty of the colours and the subtle luminescence  of each and every one.  They are mini works of art all on their own.

What I didn’t appreciate was what the challenges of me working with them would look like-full facial mask, goggles and an air purifier-rather like a mini hazmat team happening here. I’d forgotten I was allergic to feathers…just got caught up in the excitement of it all and before I knew it-there I was.

It was worth it all-I am so enchanted with the end results, am going to try wearing a pair tomorrow…will let you know how that idea goes….or not.