Tag Archives: silver

And just like that…another year has passed

It’s hard to believe it is 2020-I haven’t caught up with 2019 yet for heavens sake! No idea where it went, and I’m determined to not let the same thing happen this year….wish me luck.

The recent snows here in the Valley and holiday season meant things have quieted down somewhat in my other life, and I’ve had some much appreciated shop time. Thought I’d share a few of the projects I’ve been immersed in in the coming weeks, and the trials and tribulations that came along with them.

Beautiful Jasper…♥

This is quite a large stone that I cut a few months back with intentions of making it into a pendant. It somehow just never made it that far–and now I know why. It was meant to be a ring…. the swirls in this gorgeous Jasper are pale peach, grey and soft yellows and would never have been my first choice for a personal piece. When it was time to decide on a band size, it had grown on me..and I am now the proud owner of this chuck of rock.

The base is very plain, and only one level, with a simple double band. Some days it fits perfectly, on others it flops around almost too big to keep on, and others it barely makes it over my knuckle…but I love it.

So my first lesson for the New Year is to try to “go with it”…not micro manage the world and just accept the bigger plan. In theory, sounds great-check back soon and see how that’s working out for me…..♥

Ravishing Rhodonite ♥

For me, 2018 began with a frenzied start.  Busy in both my real estate career and family matters, there was little time spent in my shop.  I did manage to cut some stones and Rhodonite was my main focus – and here is what I ended up with:

Now what to do with them….From here, I began my design process. What seems like a good idea when selecting the cut and size of the stone does not always translate the same into a functional design. So I play—a lot! It’s a bit like building a puzzle with no straight edges-the opportunities are endless. In this piece I used a quartz crystal , and a tiny black onyx , a messy wrap silver wire detail, an etched bail, and a rather large Rhodonite cabochon.  Next was a cuff. I had part of it already formed, but it sat for about a year waiting for the right inspiration to finish it-another large Rhodonite cabochon seemed the perfect fit.  I finished it with a second Sterling silver plate with a brushed finish and beaded wire trim around the cabochon.

Rhodonite and Silver Cuff

These are three of the rings from this collection of stones.  It’s amazing how one slab of stone can have so many interesting variations.  These are substantial rings, and I adore how the stones work with all of the textures used on the silver. These rings are adjustable, all inspired by a course I took with the amazing Deryn Mentock earlier in the year. I tend towards a much simpler design in my pieces but it was fun creating these and stepping outside my very comfortable “box” ! Please note these ring designs were based on the designs learned in Deryn’s class, especially the adjustable band and side stone focal. They are full of imperfections from the learning process and not for sale.  If you would like to visit her site and take her “Rings for Rookies” class, she’s an amazing instructor and makes it look so easy!  It’s a must for any serious metal worker wanting to upgrade their skill sets.

Love Rhodonite!

Luscious Sage Amethyst

I just simply adore Amethyst in all its forms but my favourite is Sage Amethyst…it comes from a very specific area of the Bilk Mountain Range in Nevada.  The more I work with it, the more I appreciate all the beautiful variations with the dendrites (tree like inclusions), and the multiple shades of purple, green and gray.  This is what I started with:

I cut my cabs around the cracks or other imperfections of the slab, with nothing in particular in mind, other than creating something with interesting patterns, highlighting the various areas I find to be particularly interesting. It’s never quite what I envisioned when I’m done, usually much more exciting and impressive.

Gotta love that colour combo!



Bring on winter…

I am amazed to see it’s been nearly 9 months since I posted …2017 flew by in a blur.  The first snowflake  brought a bit of calm to my real estate world so recently I had an afternoon to dust off my work bench and just play.  I had some new tools to try out, and a plethora of ideas that have been simmering on the back burner—Now to focus on a few new classes. Love this beautiful craft and process of creation!

What a difference a day makes…

I can see my shop out there-just can’t get to it…we got blessed again last night with another 2′ of snow.

So in the meantime, here is a piece I finished before the real white stuff arrived:

This is a 2″ agate I cut, leaving the one edge rough and textured.  Putting it into a setting was a bit of a challenge because I wanted light to come through as much as possible, and not to cover the textured side.  After weeks of sitting on my bench, this is what I came up with-it’s not perfect but I love it!  The silver setting took some doing with multiple attachments, using every gauge of solder I own, but everything came out intact including the silver balls, wire prongs, heart and bail-whew! Learned a lot and have some great ideas of what to do with the rest of the cabochons I have sitting in this box:

Time to go do some shovelling..




Finally some shop time!

It’s been an insane 4 months and it was so relaxing just to get a couple hours to play tonight.  Had some things I wanted to try out and this was one of em’…I  had seen something similar online and was dying to try my version.  I had already etched a sheet of sterling silver and made a batch of ear wires in advance so just had to cut out and form-giving these a trial run tomorrow!

Adore working with silver!
Adore working with silver!