
Fall 2016 Classes

 The weather has finally cooled off a bit here in the Creston Valley and  the shop has followed suit…thankfully!  Excited about the first class for Fall 2016-it’s going to be just wicked! Will be playing with copper and creating some awesome pieces-a time to treat  yourself to some “just me” time before the hectic holiday seasons begin….mark Sunday September 25th, 2016 on your calendar!

Did I mention the soldering that will be happening?  And the stones we’ll be using–carnelian, soapstone, black onyx, aventurine, jasper and blue lapis…yum. Only 15 more sleeps….If you are local or plan on being the area, contact me for course details at

A Whole Lotta Love

Tumbler 1Was like opening 5 early Christmas gifts this afternoon! These pieces are just out of the tumbler-aren’t they shiny? And gorgeous? and making my heart pitty-pat?……Not sure why there are only 24 hours in the day but sure could use a few more, just can’t wait to get these made up into some new pieces-but will wait until morning and spare my poor husband the racket I make in the process.
I’ve been working with some new links, thanks to Cindy Wimmer’s new book that has so many great ideas! Thank you Cindy for the inspiration! I am on a roll-
Getting ready for some Christmas shows, so stay tuned for lots of new creations and pop over to my store to view everything available. I value you feedback so please leave some comments!!!