How to destroy a manicure in one easy lesson..

Had an unexpected few hours free yesterday so I got to play! This truly is my warped idea of a really good time…thought you might like to see part of the cuff-making process, I know you are on the edge of your seats waiting to learn this-

By the time the cuffs reach this stage, they have already been cut, run through a grinder, stamped, etched in Ferric Chloride, wire brushed, heated with a torch to soften the metal (annealing), then went for dip in a pickle solution..not the dill pickle variety. Now ready for Round #2 and a dance with the nail-killer–the buffer. It spits off fine black dust that adheres to your hands and somehow finds its way underneath acrylic nails..can’t take the chance of wearing gloves or I might be replacing more than a lifted nail-.
Next is the shaping-really relaxing when all goes well, and capable of driving my blood pressure into orbit when it doesn’t. Today was one of the former, so all was good.
Now the really fun part begins- patina application and then coming up with original designs to embellish and finish the pieces–all 27 of them. Stay tuned, this part takes awhile.
Thanks for dropping by, please leave me some comments so I know I’m not just talking to myself-and pop over to my Etsy store if you are interested in seeing my current inventory:).

8 thoughts on “How to destroy a manicure in one easy lesson..”

  1. Can’t even imagine doing the number you are doing at one time. I see what looks like a pipe or something. Is this what you shape your cuffs on?

    1. Rita, that PVC pipe contraption was copied from one I saw in Jill Rockwell’s shop many years ago. She was a fabulous instructor and that’s where I really got serious about this business-
      I finish the cuffs on a steel oval mandrel but find it really hard on my fingers-I have lousy aim with the hammers…

  2. Wow! This is a lot of steps. I really appreciate all that goes into making a cuff bracelet and it’s just begun. Can’t wait to see the next few steps!

    1. Thanks Pamela-love the entire process but the next part is challenging as I like to use unique embellishments and that’s always a challenge! So those cuffs could hang around the shop for months waiting for me to get my act together :).

    1. Hi Debbie,
      I got the vice idea from Jill Rockwell many moons ago-can’t take credit for that invention! Just cleaned up my Etsy site, so am almost ready to upload more goodies-too many things on the go!

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